Neuro-centered training in everyday life:
The influence of movement on our thinking

 Louise Walther deals intensively with the topic of functional neurology and neuronal movement training. 



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Welcome to the new year! The New Year offers us the perfect opportunity to To try new things and discover new potential within ourselves. Let's revive the desire for exercise together curiosity awaken for the unknown and develop calmness for things that are beyond our control. 

Inspired by this thought, in this article I look at the fascinating connections between exercise and the brain. Just like us in the new year 

If we want to discover new sides of ourselves, we can revitalize not only our bodies but also our minds through exercise.

Expect in this article:

Movement impulses: Short and easy exercises to rediscover the joy of movement.

Lessons learned in life: Impulses from neurocentric training for more calm and ease in dealing with challenges.

Offers: Every month you will receive insights into my work and see what new possibilities neurocentric training offers.

If you would like to learn more about a specific topic, please write to me or send your feedback below.

Here’s to a year full of movement, serenity and discovery!

Kind regards

Movement and thinking: A symbiosis for mental fitness

Let's take a closer look at the different areas. 

  1. The role of the prefrontal cortex:Our prefrontal cortex is the center for memory functions such as logical thinking and planning. In order to process new learning effectively, the brain also needs breaks.
  2. The influence of sport on mental fitness:Stefan Schneider from the German Sport University Cologne compares this to a necessary reset for the overloaded RAM of a computer. Sport as active recreation offers not only physical but also mental benefits. During sport, brain activity is shifted to the movement center and the thinking center can recover.
  3. Blood circulation and nerve growth factors:Exercise not only improves the cardiovascular system, but also increases blood flow to the brain. This increased blood flow promotes the production of nerve growth factors, which in turn promote the formation of new connections in the brain. This effect is particularly evident in the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and the hippocampus, the memory center.
  4. Suitable sports for cognitive improvements:In addition to endurance sports, disciplines that require coordination are particularly suitable for cognitive improvements. A study on freestyle wrestling and a study on juggling show that specific motor training processes can cause structural changes in the brain.
  5. Long-term effects through regular exercise:A single training session can have short-term positive effects on well-being and brain activity. But to maintain the long-term effect, regular exercise is necessary.
  6. Self-experiment: Juggling for well-being and happiness:For those who want to try it out themselves, learning to juggle is a good idea. In addition to the cognitive benefits, juggling leads to a release of dopamine, the happiness hormone, and can therefore improve mood and reduce stress levels.

Remember: exercise not only improves intelligence, but also improves mood, reduces stress and has positive effects on your well-being and yours Brain activity!

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Neurocentric training in everyday life: the influence of movement on our thinking
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