Keyword archive for: ths

Deep brain stimulation – before and during surgery

This unit explains the main points of physiotherapy treatment for people with Parkinson's disease - based on the "European Guideline for Physiotherapy (PT) for Parkinson's". Physiotherapy interventions for people with Parkinson's disease aim to maintain or improve functions and everyday skills and thus have a positive impact on health-related quality of life. Specific goals are defined and treatment options shown for the early, middle and late stages of Parkinson's disease.

PingPongParkinson German Open

Parkinson's networks play a special role in Germany's healthcare system by offering specialized and coordinated care for people with Parkinson's. These networks differ in their structure in Germany and are oriented towards regional needs and bottlenecks in health care. In general, they are aimed at promoting interdisciplinary collaboration between different healthcare providers in order to improve the quality of treatment and the quality of life of those affected. Oh man

The study of dopamine, serotonin and social behavior

The neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the brain have a significant influence on our social behavior, as new research shows. For the first time, their interaction has been directly observed thanks to the participation of four Parkinson's patients in an experiment during brain surgery. The results reveal a neurochemical mechanism that explains our tendency to make decisions in a social context. Additionally, in the long term, this technique could help to better understand changes in brain chemistry associated with Parkinson's disease.

My deep brain stimulation – an experience report

For almost exactly a year, I looked into the treatment option of deep brain stimulation for myself, collected information, spent three days in the clinic to have my suitability tested, weighed up the pros and cons, opportunities and risks, and now the time has come : I will receive my deep brain stimulation on November 16.11.2023th, XNUMX.
I would like to share this with my readers in a multi-part documentary.

Optimized therapy for late motor complications in advanced Parkinson's disease

The therapy of movement disorders in the advanced stage of idiopathic parkinsonian syndrome represents a challenge, as optimizing dopamine treatment does not always bring the expected results. It is therefore crucial to consider more intensive treatment approaches in a timely manner. As soon as signs of an advanced stage become apparent, physicians should immediately provide information about suitable therapy options and familiarize patients with possible treatment options.

Kickstart into 2023: Begin your year of movement with the attitude of a marathon runner

Let's turn your goals into habits

Our author Dr. Mareike Schwed has once again come up with something very special. She knows exactly how important movement is for us, which is determined by Parkinson's life.
That is why she offers a free impulse workshop at the beginning of the year, which we can only warmly recommend to everyone.

Stem cell therapy for people with Parkinson's disease

The first tests of this promising therapy in people with Parkinson's, in which the diseased brain cells are replaced by healthy nerve cells, will start as early as January 2023. Eight brave people from England and Sweden will be the first people to have this new method tested on them. And if everything goes well, there is a very good chance that stem cell therapy will be rolled out in five years.

Deep Brain Stimulation - A Field Report by Dr. Johannes Heimann

It will soon be October 26th, the day of my surgery.

A year with a significantly better quality of life lies between the operation and today. I haven't regretted the operation for a second.

I need half of the medication I used to take, if at all. The side effects of the medication are correspondingly lower. I often feel so good that I forget to take my pills.

Everyone who knows me says I'm in a much better mood now, I seem more stable, more energetic, I'm walking faster again and I'm gesticulating. My diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson's Syndrome is still not visible on the street. 

And depending on how I feel on the day, not always, but quite often, I type – for example this report – using touch typing just as quickly as I used to.
All of my expectations that I had of the operation have been fully met (though you also need to know what to expect and what not).

Impressions from the World Championships in Pula

Impressions from the PingPongParkinson World Championships in Pula 2022

Neurology and Parkinson's

Neurology is a medical specialty and deals with the research and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system as well as muscle diseases. Typical diseases are migraines, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, stroke or forms of dementia.

 Neurologists treat around one million patients a year in clinics alone. Not only widespread diseases such as migraines and polyneuropathy are treated, but also serious diseases such as tumors or multiple sclerosis. Below you will find a list of the most common neurological diseases in Germany:

Keyword archive for: ths

What for whom?

This lecture will discuss motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease and possible treatments. These include fine motor skills, poor posture, gait blockages and measures to prevent falls.

THS – before and during surgery

People with Parkinson's often suffer from gastrointestinal problems that significantly affect their quality of life. The most common symptoms include constipation, swallowing difficulties and gastric emptying difficulties. These symptoms result from the impairment of the autonomic nervous system and can occur as a result of the disease itself or as a side effect of medication. A better understanding of these challenges is crucial for comprehensive care and treatment of those affected.