Parkinson School Media Library

Introduction to Parkinson's disease

This talk provides a basic introduction to Parkinson's disease. We will discuss the importance of well-informed patients, the historical development of Parkinson's diagnosis and treatment, and epidemiological data on the prevalence of the disease.

Hype or help in Parkinson’s therapy – a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ceballos-Baumann

In this video, Prof. Ceballos-Baumann sheds light on modern approaches to treating Parkinson's disease - what is really helpful and what are just exaggerated trends?
He takes a critical look at various alternative and experimental therapies such as acupuncture, the use of cannabis and advanced techniques such as cell transplantation.  

We discuss which of these methods are supported by scientific studies and which are more in the realm of hope and hype. The aim is to provide a clear overview of the opportunities and limitations of these therapy options.

Parkinson School, a place of support and information

The Parkinson School offers comprehensive support and information for people with Parkinson's and their families. As one of the original main goals of the Parkinson Verbund eV, the Parkinson Journal has taken on the task of realizing this.

The result is a unique series of lectures that covers the entire spectrum of topics related to our disease. The series of lectures aims to educate participants about Parkinson's disease and to deepen their knowledge. In online lectures lasting around one hour, all essential aspects of the disease are covered in order to enable those affected to meet their therapists and neurologists on an equal footing and to deal with the disease more confidently.

New Feldenkrais course offering

The Feldenkrais Method, developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, is a body-oriented learning system that aims to improve body awareness and movement skills. This method examines the relationship between movement, thought and feeling in order to learn new, more efficient movement patterns and improve existing ones. This method is not only generally useful, but has also proven to be particularly beneficial for people with disabilities.

New approaches to on-demand medication – a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ceballos-Baumann

The lecture will focus on new approaches to on-demand medication for Parkinson's patients who are suffering from a decline in the effect of levodopa. These so-called off phases occur when the effect of levodopa wears off before the next regular dose can be taken. Those affected not only experience a deterioration in mobility, but also effects on mood, discomfort, pain perception and circulation.

Virtual Reality: Activity and Joy Despite Parkinson’s

So what does the day look like for someone with Parkinson’s in the later stages of the disease? We ourselves like to ignore this part of the illness and we do everything we can to delay the point at which it occurs as much as possible. But it will come, that's a fact, at least for those with the disease at a young age, where Parkinson's disease has had enough time to develop.

Diagnosis of Parkinson's and the correct initial therapy

Parkinson's is a neurological disease that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide, whether directly as sufferers or indirectly as relatives, carers or medical professionals. In this talk, we will strive to provide a comprehensive picture of Parkinson's, from the basics of the disease to current research and proven treatments.
Whether you are already familiar with Parkinson's or are new to the topic, I hope this talk provides you with valuable insights and helps you develop a deeper understanding of the Parkinson's world.
So, without any further delay, let’s dive in and learn more about this fascinating and important condition.

Introduction to the world of Parkinson's - a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ceballos Baumann

Parkinson's is a neurological disease that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide, whether directly as sufferers or indirectly as relatives, carers or medical professionals. In this talk, we will strive to provide a comprehensive picture of Parkinson's, from the basics of the disease to current research and proven treatments.
Whether you are already familiar with Parkinson's or are new to the topic, I hope this talk provides you with valuable insights and helps you develop a deeper understanding of the Parkinson's world.
So, without any further delay, let’s dive in and learn more about this fascinating and important condition.