A ball against the tremor
Ein contribution by Sophia Plöchl


The last check-up visit with my neurologist, Dr. Dieter Volc, in March of this year, started as usual. A conversation about how I'm doing, what has changed. My hand tremor had increased. “Perhaps I have something for you” – with these words Dr. Volc the VILIM Ball. And already I had an immediately effective aid against the tremor in my hands.

Many people with Parkinson's have lived with the tremor for some time. Getting used to it somehow; Medications have only a very limited effect and sometimes have very strong side effects.

"If the Vilim ball lives up to what it promises at the moment, it will be a breakthrough in the treatment of tremor in Parkinson's disease," says neurologist Dr. Dieter Volc. He discovered this while searching for new aids on the Internet and has been testing it informally with the help of interested patients ever since. Extensive studies on the effectiveness are to follow. The first results are promising: 15 of the 12 patients to date have reported a good effect.

The VILIM ball is a high-tech medical device. It has a size of approx. 10 cm and is held quietly in the hand for around 10 minutes while it is vibrating. In the first two weeks of use, the tremor is analyzed, after which the personalized ball delivers individual AI-controlled vibrations. The tremor can decrease significantly after using the ball for up to a few hours. Some users even observe a general decrease in tremor.

This also applies to Britta Sprick from Gütersloh, who has been using the VILIM ball for around 2 months. She found out about the ball in a German-Austrian virtual self-help group and was immediately surprised - and impressed - by the immediate and clear effect. “The first impression was: It is visually totally appealing, chic, small and handy. Doesn't look like illness. After the first use, I was free of tremors for four hours and of course I was totally thrilled. With regular use, I can not only control the tremor, but also mine Pain effectively reduce. And all without any chemicals and absolutely free of side effects. Over the first few weeks since first use, I have even noticed a general decrease in tremors. Simply unbelievable.” For Britta Sprick, the ball is also very practical because you can take it with you everywhere. She usually has it in her handbag and uses it whenever she needs it.

Mechanical approaches to treating tremor have been around for a long time. From vibrating aids such as cutlery to treatment with vibration plates and devices that are attached to the arm.

What is new and special about the Vilim Ball? The effect develops immediately after the short treatment and lasts up to a few hours. It can be used before daily activities such as Essen, writing, meetings, etc. can be used when it is important to have stable hands. There are very few contraindications, it has little to no side effects and is easy to use.

How is all this possible? The mechanical vibrations affect the nerve and muscle tissue of the hand, which exchanges nerve signals with the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex controls the movements of the human body. The mechanical vibrations of the VILIM ball alter the nerve signals transmitted between the cerebral cortex and the arm, suppressing hand tremors.

The VILIM ball was developed by the Lithuanian company Vilimed and was first launched in 2019. The grandfather of co-founder Mantas Venslauskas suffered from Parkinson's tremor himself. For many years, Mantas Venslauskas has seen his grandfather struggle in completing everyday tasks. A few years after his grandfather's death, he began looking for a solution to reduce the tremor.

The VILIM ball can be used for both Parkinson's tremor and essential tremor. In cooperation with the local Parkinson's community, the developers tested the ball specifically on Parkinson's patients. After the first positive results, occupational therapists carried out a study. This confirmed that the VILIM ball helps to improve the motor skills of Parkinson's patients.

What has changed for me in the last few weeks since using the VILIM ball? My tremor has always been very different. Some days I rarely feel it, other days I feel like the shaking will never stop, my arm hurts and I feel very exhausted. Since I've been using the ball, the tremor has generally been less frequent. When it's there, I grab the ball, enjoy the vibration for 10 minutes and usually have a few hours of rest. In very rare cases, it has little or no effect. I haven't figured out what's causing this yet.

With the VILIM ball, I have received an instrument that I can use spontaneously and when needed. When the tremor interferes with computer work or before consultations. In my job as a coach, I am very open about my illness and my tremor to my clients. Nevertheless, it is more comfortable to conduct the consultations with no or reduced tremor. I use it before I play table tennis or when the tremor is really bothering me.

I don't want to be without the ball anymore and I'm happy that it rolled my way.

Sophia Plöchl in June 2023

Additional information

Neurocast by Dr. Dieter Volc, neurologist

Manufacturer's website


Stay tuned.


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