
Here you can search the list of all “Therapies” posts. Several search terms are connected with “or”.

Alpha-synuclein binding antibodies in Parkinson's are disappointing

"Alpha-synuclein-binding antibodies in Parkinson's are a disappointment" This is how a statement by the German Society for Neurology (DGN) can be summed up. Who, like me, as an affected ...
/ work, Guides, Power supply


Extensive information from the Federal Ministry of Health on the topics of old age, pension, work, training, studies ...

Parkinson's Syndrome Anatomy

Where does Idiopathic Parkinson's Syndrome occur? Today we "crack the nut" and take a look inside. As everyone knows, the brain "surface" is actually like a walnut. We have there...
/ life paths, Video, Video

Anders M. Leines - Living with Parkinson's

Video from the section "Living with Parkinson's Anders M. Leines is a Norwegian filmmaker who was diagnosed with Parkinson's at a relatively young age. He has made a remarkable documentary about himself...

relatives in occupational therapy

It is the relatives who know the affected person better than anyone else. You have known her for many years, have noticed the development and are stunned to observe the change and the ...

Aspiration pneumonia and Parkinson's disease

Aspiration pneumonia is considered one of the three most likely causes of death in Parkinson's disease, so as frightening as it may be, it is important to know about it. This type of pneumonia occurs...
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The PJApp is available for a one-time fee of €2,89 and includes a lifetime subscription right.

And the best part is: The income from the sale of the App 50% will be donated to PingPongParkinson, 25% will go into a reserve around that Parkinson Journal at the turn of the year into a non-profit publishing company and only 25% serve to cover costs.

Especially for all those who are not yet ready to join a self-help group, we as a magazine would like to Window for Parkinson- be world. As victims, we know that Parkinson has become an unexpected companion in our lives. We want to show appreciation to these people and inform them with heart and mind. We want to show them that they are not alone and that there is hope and support.

By purchasing the app, you can support us on this journey.

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