
Here you can search the list of all “Therapies” posts. Several search terms are connected with “or”.

Bioelectronic filter is supposed to suppress the tremor

new minimally invasive procedure from the Netherlands A "bioelectronic neurodegenerative filter" is intended to suppress the tremor without major surgical intervention. Neurodegenerative filter technology (DNF) is a Dutch invention and aims to improve the quality of life...
/ Diagnosis, Therapies

Blood test to predict the course of the disease

from the Journal of Parkinson's Disease... To ensure the best medical care for newly diagnosed Parkinson's patients, a method for predicting cognitive and motor progress via the use...

Cannabis legalization and Parkinson's disease. Advantages and disadvantages

The discussion about the use of medical cannabis to treat various diseases has increased worldwide in recent years. Particularly in Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of people...

Cannabis and Parkinson's - pros and cons

The effect of cannabis on Parkinson's is an active area of ​​research, and there are several pieces of evidence that suggest cannabis could potentially have some benefits for people with Parkinson's. It...
/ Humor and Parkinson's, Video, Video

Dating with Parkinson's

Video from the "Humor and Parkinson's" section One of the notorious side effects of dopamine agonists is an occasionally greatly increased libido. This can sometimes lead to unpleasant surprises. Heather Kennedy takes it...
/ datscan, Diagnosis


Believe it or not, there is no reliable diagnostic method for a disease as widespread as Parkinson's. As my neurologist put it, "What exactly is causing your symptoms...
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The PJApp is available for a one-time fee of €2,89 and includes a lifetime subscription right.

And the best part is: The income from the sale of the App 50% will be donated to PingPongParkinson, 25% will go into a reserve around that Parkinson Journal at the turn of the year into a non-profit publishing company and only 25% serve to cover costs.

Especially for all those who are not yet ready to join a self-help group, we as a magazine would like to Window for Parkinson- be world. As victims, we know that Parkinson has become an unexpected companion in our lives. We want to show appreciation to these people and inform them with heart and mind. We want to show them that they are not alone and that there is hope and support.

By purchasing the app, you can support us on this journey.

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