
Here you can search the list of all “Therapies” posts. Several search terms are connected with “or”.

/ Anatomy, Guides, Therapies

How does it all work physiologically?

A contribution from Dr. Johannes Heimann from the column "Heimann explains". If you would like to be informed about new posts, just send me your email address [email-subscribers-form id="2"] Do you like ...
/ Guides, Therapies

How does Parkinson's work - a guide

My name is Martin Riegels, I am 62 years young and have had Parkinson's for 20 years now. I'm trying to live with this disease as best as I can. That works...

Learning to walk again with a spinal cord prosthesis

A French-Swiss research group has developed a technique that is intended to correct the gait disorders typical of Parkinson's disease. This already worked for one patient...
/ Guides, Therapies, Therapies

Mode of action of L-Dopa, MAO-B inhibitors and dopamine agonists

a guest post by Dr. Johannes Heimann Dr. Johannes Heimann Dr. Johannes Heimann, himself suffering from Parkinson's disease, practiced as a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics until he retired. How often do you take...
/ Exercise, Exercise, Fitness, Tai Chi

weekly fitness program, episode 1

Tai Chi, also called Tai Chi Chuan, is a traditional Chinese art of movement based on gentle and flowing movements. It is a holistic practice that integrates body, mind and breath...
/ Anatomy, Guides, Therapies

Where do diseases come from?

A contribution from Dr. Johannes Heimann from the column "Heimann explains". If you would like to be informed about new posts, just send me your email address [email-subscribers-form id="2"] Do you like ...

Do you already have the Parkinson's Journal app?

The PJApp is available for a one-time fee of €2,89 and includes a lifetime subscription right.

And the best part is: The income from the sale of the App 50% will be donated to PingPongParkinson, 25% will go into a reserve around that Parkinson Journal at the turn of the year into a non-profit publishing company and only 25% serve to cover costs.

Especially for all those who are not yet ready to join a self-help group, we as a magazine would like to Window for Parkinson- be world. As victims, we know that Parkinson has become an unexpected companion in our lives. We want to show appreciation to these people and inform them with heart and mind. We want to show them that they are not alone and that there is hope and support.

By purchasing the app, you can support us on this journey.

You get the app at google play or by App Store 


Stay tuned.

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