Healthy eating in focus:

“When Diet Becomes Compulsive”


The fine line between healthy Nutrition and Obsession: A Look at Orthorexia

Many people strive for a healthy diet, but for some, this quest can become an obsession. This intense and sometimes obsessive interest in healthy eating is known as "orthorexia." Food is often strictly divided into "good" and "bad". In some cases, this food fanaticism can even lead to social isolation.

The exact causes of orthorexia are unclear, but factors such as diet or stressful life events could be triggers. Interestingly, studies show that social media, especially platforms like Instagram, can influence eating behaviors.

While some features of orthorexia resemble those of eating disorders, sufferers also exhibit symptoms associated with OCD. Recent research even suggests that there may be an overlap between orthorectic behavior and certain autism symptoms.

Diagnosing orthorexia is complicated. There are several questionnaires, but their results are not always consistent. It is interesting to distinguish between orthorexia nervosa, in which eating behaviors become problematic, and healthy orthorexia, which is viewed as a non-pathological interest in healthy eating.

Science is still in its infancy when it comes to better understanding and defining orthorexia. It remains to be seen which direction future research will take.


Subject Insights
orthorexia Excessive focus on healthy eating; Separation of food into “good” and “bad”.
factors Diets, stressful events, social media.
Symptoms similarities to eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder; possible link to autism symptoms.
Diagnosis Various questionnaires; Distinguishing between problematic and non-pathological orthorexia.

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