Keyword archive for: Video

exercise videos

Of course, the videos shown here are just an excerpt of what the internet in general and my “personal trainers” in particular have to offer. It only represents my very personal program, but it may serve as a good template for one or the other of you.


To say it straight away: I'm neither a sports cannon nor do I like to do sports. I'd rather spend the day sitting in a café or in front of my computer or playing one of my musical instruments than bending my bones or spending my morning jogging in the park with a pained face, panting and sweating.

But I have learned in recent years that my Parkinson's can be put in its place with sufficient exercise. Unfortunately, it is not the case that this would be enough as a motivation, because there is still the option of taking half an L of dopa more or if it is difficult to take an LT.

Video of the week episode 3: My father

In this story, John Acheson's drawings help his 9-year-old daughter understand the effects of her Parkinson's disease. The story is based on conversations with her, things she has said or done over the past three years and is solely his interpretation. The red tulip (worldwide symbol of Parkinson's disease) grows from a bud to full bloom in the story and brings hope.

Video of the week, episode 2 The hand

A thought-provoking video about living with Parkinson's disease at a young age. Some of you will recognize your own hand as a metaphor for your illness.

The successful visual implementation comes from Brett Harvey, who spontaneously gave me the rights to create a German version.

Have fun discovering new perspectives. Jurgen Zender, 26.07.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX

Video of the week, episode 1 Dance with Parkinson's

Parkinson's knows no borders and so we occasionally take a look over the fence at our neighboring countries.

Is the incidence there the same as in Germany?
Is there a nationwide structure of self-help organizations?
How deep is the awareness of the problems of people with Parkinson's anchored in the population

Fit through the week with Gabi Fastner

My morning exercises are as important to me as coffee for breakfast. Without extensive stretching and stretching in the morning, I can set the clock to when the first off phase begins. Gabi Fastner is my constant companion.

THE DARK SIDE OF PARKINSON'S Episode 2 – The Loved Ones

Part 2 is about the personality changes that Parkinson's often causes and that can put relationships to a severe test.


Here you can find out everything about exercise and sport as non-drug therapy.

Inbrija, the first inhaled levodopa is on the market

Inbrija, the first inhalative levodopa, is on the market. The German pharmacist newspaper writes: “Tremor, rigor, bradykinesia – if the levodopa effect wears off, the typical symptoms reappear in Parkinson's patients. Inbrija is the first inhaled levodopa to quickly improve these off-phenomena - it has been on the EU market since May. Inbrija® has been approved for some time: In September 2019, the European Commission approved the inhaled levodopa preparation, which Parkinson patients:innen Cut off off symptoms after the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommended Inbrija® for approval in July 2019. It is now coming onto the German market in May – it is the first inhaled levodopa (L-Dopa) ever.