Keyword archive for: Therapies

exercise videos

Of course, the videos shown here are just an excerpt of what the internet in general and my “personal trainers” in particular have to offer. It only represents my very personal program, but it may serve as a good template for one or the other of you.


To say it straight away: I'm neither a sports cannon nor do I like to do sports. I'd rather spend the day sitting in a café or in front of my computer or playing one of my musical instruments than bending my bones or spending my morning jogging in the park with a pained face, panting and sweating.

But I have learned in recent years that my Parkinson's can be put in its place with sufficient exercise. Unfortunately, it is not the case that this would be enough as a motivation, because there is still the option of taking half an L of dopa more or if it is difficult to take an LT.

Alpha-synuclein binding antibodies in Parkinson's are disappointing

"Alpha-synuclein-binding antibodies in Parkinson's are a disappointment"

This is how a statement by the German Society for Neurology (DGN) can be summed up.

Those affected, like me, who have been involved in research and development in the fight against Parkinson's in recent years, have not been able to avoid the protein alpha-synuclein.

Stem Cell Therapy and Other Amazing Findings

Today I read an interesting article in Bayer's newsletter. Yes, that's exactly what I mean, the pharmaceutical giant Bayer. Now you're getting suspicious, aren't you? The article is about a groundbreaking, groundbreaking advance in Parkinson's therapy. Probably a new drug that only works on the surface, costs a lot of money and just takes money out of people's pockets.

Occupational Therapy Episode 2, Effortless Communication

A person you have known and loved for a long time is changing. Parkinson's disease has him or her in its grip and you have to watch it.

This is not easy!

In such a stressful situation, communication is very important. If you manage to stay connected and meet others with benevolent understanding, then you are strong together.

What should I look out for when looking for an occupational therapist?

Here are a few key points:

Occupational therapy episode 1, what is important?

A contact recently wrote to me via social media, asking if I had any tips on how to find a good occupational therapy practice for people with Parkinson's disease. Of course I have tips. It is even very important to me to bring specialized occupational therapists and people with Parkinson's together.

What should I look out for when looking for an occupational therapist?

Here are a few key points:

“Have you walked backwards today?”

How non-drug tricks can help you run better

It sometimes happens that while walking, one of my feet takes on a life of its own and starts to twist. My muscles get stiff, my toes curl up and I can't move with the best will in the world. There is no good coaxing, no stretching, no nothing, except standing still, breathing consciously and relaxing.

What many do not know, however, is that research now assumes that Parkinson's is not just a single disease. Rather, we are dealing with a variety of neurological disorders crammed under one Parkinson's umbrella. Welcome to the Parkinson's party!

occupational Therapy

Amy Orellana, occupational therapist and educator, writes her column about occupational therapy and Parkinson's.


Here you can find out everything about exercise and sport as non-drug therapy.