Keyword archive for: Pump

Optimized therapy for late motor complications in advanced Parkinson's disease

The therapy of movement disorders in the advanced stage of idiopathic parkinsonian syndrome represents a challenge, as optimizing dopamine treatment does not always bring the expected results. It is therefore crucial to consider more intensive treatment approaches in a timely manner. As soon as signs of an advanced stage become apparent, physicians should immediately provide information about suitable therapy options and familiarize patients with possible treatment options.

new drug pumps in prospect

Oral therapies for Parkinson's are temporary because, among other things, Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Over time, the progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain causes symptoms to worsen. The effects of oral medications, such as levodopa, can be well controlled in the early stages of the disease. However, many patients develop fluctuations in medication efficacy over time, known as the "on-off phenomenon." These fluctuations can significantly affect quality of life and lead to unpredictable fluctuations in movement abilities.