Keyword archive for: Parkinson line

Cooperation between PARKINSonLINE and the Parkinson Association

In a remarkable collaboration, PARKINSonLINE, a nationwide online self-help group, and the Parkinson Association have joined forces to make the knowledge and experiences of people living with Parkinson's disease accessible to a broader public. This cooperation aims to prepare the topics discussed in PARKINSonLINE forums and to disseminate the empirical knowledge contained therein via the ParkiPedia platform.

With the Parkinson Association eV a heavyweight player is emerging in the field of Parkinson's self-help

The increased risk of melanoma in Parkinson's patients has been documented in numerous scientific studies. A first comprehensive meta-analysis was published by Liu and colleagues in the journal Neurology in 2011 and found that people with Parkinson's had more than double the risk of being diagnosed with melanoma. An important study on this topic was also published in 2010 by John Bertoni and colleagues in the Archives of Neurology (later renamed JAMA Neurology). The Bertoni study used data from the North American Parkinson's and Melanoma Survey Group and found that the incidence of malignant melanoma was 2,24 times higher in the Parkinson's cohort compared to the general population.

Parkinson's at a young age - about help and self-help

largely unnoticed by the public, the people who develop Parkinson's are getting younger and younger. It is now no longer uncommon for the neurodegenerative disease to appear even before the age of 30. 

This naturally poses a particular challenge for the medical profession, given the variety of symptoms in younger people, Parkinson's is least likely to be suspected.

Parkinson's Self Help Directory

Directory of Parkinson's self-help groups in Germany

Keyword archive for: Parkinson line

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Keyword archive for: Parkinson line

Parkinson's Self-Help Directory HUS

Directory of Parkinson's self-help groups in Germany