Non-invasive brain stimulation - new recommendations for action

The recommendations for action published in the Ärzteblatt on July 23, 2023 deal with the use of non-invasive brain stimulation methods (NIBS, Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation) for the treatment of mental and neurological diseases.

The NIBS techniques use electrical or electromagnetic currents to stimulate specific areas of the brain. This may prove particularly beneficial for the treatment of Parkinson's, as many patients prefer these non-invasive methods and quite a few consider such treatments exclusively.
Claudia: Of course, I like doing that. A physical therapist is a healthcare professional who helps patients improve mobility and function, reduce pain, and achieve better balance and coordination. This is often done through physical exercises, massage, and the use of specialized equipment.

Cannabis and Parkinson's - pros and cons

The effect of cannabis on Parkinson's is an active area of ​​research, and there are several pieces of evidence that suggest cannabis could potentially have some benefits for people with Parkinson's. However, it is important to note that more studies are needed to confirm these findings and to understand the exact mechanisms of action. Here are some findings from previous studies:

Bayer promises advances in Parkinson's disease with new cell therapy

Bayer, the German pharmaceutical giant, recently presented results from a promising clinical trial. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a new cell therapy to treat Parkinson's disease, a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting more than ten million people worldwide.

Green environments have a positive effect on Parkinson's disease

A study has shown that people who live in an environment with lots of greenery, parks and water have a lower risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. This relationship still holds when factors such as income and air quality are taken into account

Parkinson's and artificial intelligence - an interview with an AI - part 1

Artificial intelligence is on everyone's lips and so the question arose as to what it can do for us sufferers of Parkinson's. So what could be more obvious than to question the AI ​​itself. This resulted in an extremely remarkable interview with “Chat GPT 4.0”, which is probably the most advanced artificial intelligence at the moment.

Focused ultrasound - advantages and disadvantages

Focused ultrasound, also known as high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), is a noninvasive neurosurgical technique used to treat Parkinson's disease. This method uses focused sound waves to selectively stimulate or destroy areas of the brain responsible for Parkinson's symptoms. Focused ultrasound is typically used to treat tremor, which is a common symptom in people with Parkinson's disease.

Inject or Swallow? Continuous infusion extends on-phase by 1,7 hours per day

A phase 3 study showed that continuous L-dopa infusion offers advantages over oral therapy in Parkinson's patients with motor fluctuations. Continuous dosing extended the “good on time” by 1,7 hours daily with no bothersome side effects.

Field report on therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger

Therapeutic fasting is absolutely trendy and I had already heard and read a lot about it. Our entire "system" has been geared towards longer phases "without food" from the very beginning. Nowadays, however, people eat almost continuously, whether because of hunger, appetite, boredom, grief or frustration, etc. The food industry does not necessarily serve us what counts as a balanced diet. Flavor enhancers, dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, sugar, fast food and the like make us ill in the long run and we slowly develop food allergies and inflammatory processes in the body. I wanted to give my body a break from it and be surprised by the positive effects of therapeutic fasting despite or precisely because of my previous illnesses (ulcerative colitis and Parkinson's disease).

Behavioral disorders in Parkinson's disease

Behavioral disorders in Parkinson's disease 

The Parkinson Journal has raised the topic of impulse control disorders several times, most recently on February 17, and it remains on the agenda.

dr Atbin Djamshidian from the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Innsbruck is considered a proven expert in this field and recently summed up the state of his findings in a remarkable lecture.

Current developments in Parkinson's research

Research on Parkinson's disease is currently working on various approaches to develop both causal and symptomatic therapies. The focus is primarily on improving motor skills and relieving non-motor symptoms.

Causal therapy: focus on alpha-synuclein

A promising approach in the causal therapy of Parkinson's is research into the protein alpha-synuclein, which forms abnormal deposits in the brain cells of Parkinson's patients. Research is being carried out on various active substances that can reduce or prevent these deposits.