Keyword archive for: Balance

Neuro-centered training in everyday life: theme of balance

The sense of balance, also called the vestibular system, is an important part of the human body. It ensures that we control our posture and movements and orientate ourselves in space. The vestibular system works closely with other sensory organs, such as the eyes and brain, to form a complex network of information that enables us to move safely in our environment.

Physiotherapy - Interview with a patient

Parkinson Journal: Hello, I am delighted that you are here today to share your experiences with Parkinson's and neurological physical therapy. First of all, could you explain to the audience what exactly is the job of a physiotherapist?

Claudia: Of course, I like doing that. A physical therapist is a healthcare professional who helps patients improve mobility and function, reduce pain, and achieve better balance and coordination. This is often done through physical exercises, massage, and the use of specialized equipment.