Every month on the second Wednesday, the Schön Clinic holds an information event with Professor Ceballos-Baumann for Parkinson's sufferers, relatives and interested parties. After our lectures, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the therapists and doctors.

Lecture topic on May 08.05.2024th, XNUMX

Hand function: What to do if your hand no longer follows

Here is the link to the webinar for the upcoming event as a Zoom event 

https://226. Schwabinger-Parkinson-Info, Mittwoch. 8 Mai 2024, 16:00 Uhr

or copy the following link into your browser:

Meeting ID: 880 4304 4289 Passcode: 153682

oder scannen Sie den QR-Code mit dem Smartphone.  

This link will be activated approximately 1 hour before the start of the event at 16:00 p.m. We would like to ask you to mute your microphone during the webinar.