Cover picture Parkinson Journal

Logbook of the failed DBS operation

It took me about 30 minutes to walk the three meters from the bed to the toilet. Nobody can help either, because every touch hurts so much that I was happy to do without help. I was sweating so much that my roommate asked me if I showered in the toilet or if I melted into the shower. That
Sleeping is not possible. Every part of the body twitches and has caused its own rooooooootttttmmmmmmuuuussssss, not from Parkinson's, the tremor/shaking isn't normally present for me, but from detoxification from it dopamine caused. (free jazz for runaways, all in one man band / 😉,

With a flying change of instruments, from the devil's violin, to drums, to the church organ (foot operated) to the piccolo, back with hammering cymbals to the singing saw, to the piano to the shawm. Next time, have a composer record a video of me and write it down in slow motion...

there will certainly be a prize in the Burghausen Jazz Week,

After 1,5 hours shower; doesn't bother anyone, it's diagonally opposite... in the corridor. ...( that's the way it is, but hardly anyone showers alone there) ( ;-)

08:30 a.m. – OP day – it starts:
fast fast
With the help of the nurse, get out of the clothes, into the pretty surgical gown (with a flower pattern - chic...) Compression stocking on the right, compression stocking on the left, bed electrically in driving position and off towards the shave...

Ward nurse comes into the room, neurosurgeon is sick, surgery postponed.

Everything suddenly gets mixed up.

At some point the instruction: I can start up L-Dopa again. In the first step, I bite one of every dopamine tablet I have into the glass of water. to swallow, SMS to my wife, who is already on the way, wanted to visit me in the recovery room... wait: 15 minutes.

Trembling and cramps subside. Now finally sleeping about 2 1/2 hours, at the moment I had the impression that I could walk again in a moment, but was immediately brought back. It increased hour by hour. Apparently it has to do with the agonists, here the serum level first had to build up again for me. First 3m, then 5m, then 10m per hour, etc.

Take a taxi home...out of the taxi, just in the kitchen in my wheelchair, - break...your own wheelchair is like your own bicycle. You improve it until it fits, and mine fits like a glove. Man almost feels at home again.

Today it's pretty much the same as before.
I'll get back to you with a new appointment.

- - - There was once


And if he doesn't get in touch, he's still waiting for an appointment today...
