Keyword archive for: Research

Researchers are looking for ways for early Parkinson's therapy - study participants wanted

 Disturbed dream sleep can indicate later Parkinson's disease. Researchers at MHH neurology are now investigating the preliminary phase of the neurodegenerative disease and are offering places for study participants.

cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease

James Parkinson wrongly believed that the disease had no effect on the mind and psyche of those affected.
That was a fatal misjudgment, since new scientific studies have shown that every third Parkinson's patient develops dementia in the course of the disease.

However, this so-called Parkinson's dementia usually only occurs in the late stages of the disease and thus mainly, but not exclusively, affects patients of advanced age

But what actually is dementia?

Inbrija – a miracle cure? A first summary

Inbrija – first experiences

On July 8, 2022, we published an interview with 2 American women who have been using Inbrija for 3 years. In the meantime, the drug has also been approved in Germany and we have the first field reports.

If you haven't read the article or seen the interview, you can catch up here:

The Angry Professor's Appeal

The Angry Professor's Appeal
dr Ray Dorsey is Professor of Neurology and Director of the Center for Human Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Rochester in the USA. And he is angry and disappointed in his colleagues.

The trigger is an international Parkinson's congress that was held in Madrid a few days ago and was attended by Dr. Dorsey attended. The most recent studies presented there focused mainly on the genetic cause of Parkinson's.

I feel for dr. Ray Dorsey. You're probably wondering why this is the cause of an outburst from one of the world's leading neurologists and Parkinson's experts. Genetic research in Parkinson's has made great strides.

The fatal thing is that most researchers concentrate on a topic that only
Affects 17 percent of people with Parkinson's disease.

Is the sports hormone irisin the savior we are all waiting for?

Is the sports hormone irisin the savior we are all waiting for?

Irisin is a so-called peptide that is released by muscle cells in humans after physical activity, among other things.
Now the PNAS, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, has published the results of an experimental study. In this experimental study, which was carried out on mice, not only was an accelerated breakdown of alpha synuclein observed, but the spread of a Parkinson's-like disease was also reduced.

Keyword archive for: Research

News from research

This lecture will discuss motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease and possible treatments. These include fine motor skills, poor posture, gait blockages and measures to prevent falls.