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Introduction to the world of Parkinson's - a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ceballos Baumann

Introduction to the world of Parkinson's - a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ceballos Baumann

Parkinson's is a neurological disease that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide, whether directly as sufferers or indirectly as relatives, carers or medical professionals. In this lecture...
What you need to know about Parkinson's

What you need to know about Parkinson's

When a person with Parkinson's or a relative wants to find out about a possible illness, accompanying symptoms play a crucial role. These can affect different parts of the body including skin, skeleton,...
Parkinson's Patients in Hospital: The Challenges and Solutions

Parkinson's Patients in Hospital: The Challenges and Solutions

The increased risk of melanoma in Parkinson's patients has been documented in numerous scientific studies. A first comprehensive meta-analysis was published in 2011 by Liu and colleagues in the journal Neurology and found that the...
Legal aspects of Parkinson's, statutory health insurance

Legal aspects of Parkinson's, statutory health insurance

.The following will only deal with the GKV.Currently1 there are 113 statutory health insurance companies in Germany with approx. 71,4 million insured persons and family members...
Legal aspects of Parkinson's, severe disability

Legal aspects of Parkinson's, severe disability

I. Legal basis The concept of severe disability is legally defined in Section 2, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of Book IX of the Social Code: “People with disabilities are people who have physical, mental, intellectual or...
medication planner

medication planner

Why is it so important to stick to mealtimes in people with Parkinson's disease? 1. Drug Interaction: Many Parkinson's patients take levodopa, which works best on an empty stomach. High protein foods can...
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The PJApp is available for a one-time fee of €2,89 and includes a lifetime subscription right.

And the best part is: The income from the sale of the App 50% will be donated to PingPongParkinson, 25% will go into a reserve around that Parkinson Journal at the turn of the year into a non-profit publishing company and only 25% serve to cover costs.

Especially for all those who are not yet ready to join a self-help group, we as a magazine would like to Window for Parkinson- be world. As victims, we know that Parkinson has become an unexpected companion in our lives. We want to show appreciation to these people and inform them with heart and mind. We want to show them that they are not alone and that there is hope and support.

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