Parkinson's patients in hospital:

The challenges and solutions


Parkinson's patients often face numerous problems when they are admitted to the hospital. These problems can be both medical and administrative, and they often have a serious impact on the patient's health status.

Dangers in the hospital:

The hospital can be a risky place for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Each year, about a third of all Parkinson's patients are admitted to the emergency room or hospitalized. The numbers are alarming: errors that could be avoided are widespread and cause immense costs for the healthcare system.

Why is the hospitalization rate higher for Parkinson's disease?

Studies show that the hospitalization rate for Parkinson's patients is higher compared to other patients. The length of hospital stay is also longer and is associated with more complications. The most common causes of Parkinson's disease hospitalization are infections (22%), worsening motor symptoms (19%), falls and fractures (18%) and cardiovascular problems (13%).

Problems with medication:

One of the biggest challenges in the hospital is administering the right Parkinson's medication. Studies have shown that there are often variations in dosage and timing of medication administration. The timing of medication delivery is particularly critical. Even small differences in schedule can increase the risk of motor fluctuations, swallowing problems and falls.

Another problem is the administration of dopamine-blocking drugs. In many cases, Parkinson's patients in the hospital receive inappropriate dopamine blockers, which can worsen the condition and prolong the length of hospital stay.

Practical measures for better treatment in hospital:

To improve the quality of care for Parkinson's patients in hospital, experts suggest various measures:

1. Adherence to Outpatient Medication Schedules:

Hospital staff should closely follow a patient with Parkinson's medication schedule and document the exact times for medication administration.

2. Training of medical staff:

There should be training for all hospital staff caring for Parkinson's patients. This training should include information about medications, potential problems, and the specific needs of Parkinson's patients.

3. Use of Electronic Health Records:

Special alerts for Parkinson's patients should be implemented to flag potentially harmful medications or medication schedules.

And finally ...

Every Parkinson's patient should have a proactive plan for hospitalization. This includes bringing a * Parkinson's Foundation Aware in Care kit and communicating regularly with doctors and neurologists. By identifying problems early, such as infections or fall risks, hospitalization can often be avoided. It is crucial to be proactive and prepare for possible hospitalizations to ensure the best possible care.

* that would be the aware in care kit from the Parkinson Foundation is currently not available in Germany, we will research a corresponding source for you.

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