What artificial intelligence
can do for our readers
A contribution by Jürgen Zender


In the circle of the authors and with many acquaintances and friends, whether affected by Parkinson's or not, I discussed for a long time whether we should integrate ChatGPT as a bot into our Parkinsonal Journal. 

Finally, we have this ”Parkinson Bot” even asked about the meaningfulness and it is amazing how much it reflects the different opinions from the circle mentioned above.

In the following you can read my discussion with the artificial intelligence and form your own opinion. The chat is reproduced here one to one, without any editing

I'm debating whether or not to include you in the Parkinson's Journal. What do you think are the pros and cons from the readers' point of view? The readers of the Parkinson Journal are internet savvy, want to be or stay informed and are themselves affected, relatives or therapists.

Parkinson's Bot:
From the perspective of the readers of the Parkinson Journal who are internet savvy and looking for information, as well as from the perspective of those affected, relatives and therapists, there are various factors that could speak for or against my integration into the journal:

In favor:

  1. Fast answers:
    For internet-savvy readers looking for quick and concise answers to their questions, I could be an instant source of information.
  2. Comprehensive database:
    I have access to a wide range of studies and information up to my last training date in September 2021. This can be a valuable resource for readers looking for specific information or studies.
  3. Multilingual Support:
    This could be useful for international readers or for those looking for information in another language.
  4. Einfache Sprache:
    I can translate complex scientific concepts into simple language, which can be particularly helpful for sufferers and families who may not have in-depth medical knowledge.

Against that speaks:Emotional Sensitivity:
I am objective and cannot provide the emotional support and sensitivity often required when communicating with victims and loved ones.

  1. Topicality:
    As previously mentioned, my information status ends in September 2021. This means that I will not be aware of the latest research or therapies after this date.  
  2. Human experience:
    Therapists and other professionals often rely on their many years of experience and expertise. I can provide data and facts, but not the nuanced human experiences and insights that come from clinical practice.  
  3. Too much information:
    There is a risk of overloading readers with too much information if they are not specific enough about specific topics. This could be overwhelming, especially for sufferers and their families.

When deciding whether or not to be included in Parkinson's Journal, it would be important to consider the specific needs and preferences of the target audience. It might also be worth seeking feedback from the readers themselves to better understand how they envision such an integration and how they might benefit from it.

Thanks for the info. I will put you in the Parkinson Journal and call it "Parkinson-Bot". Last but not least: Give the readers a few tips in the form of a table on how best to use you and how they should evaluate the result.

Parkinson's Bot:
Naturally! Here's a simple table of tips for Parkinson's Journal readers on how to best use the "Parkinson's Bot" and how to rate the responses they receive:

Tip instructions and notices

Formulate questions clearly and precisely

The clearer and more specific the question, the more accurate the answer will be. Avoid overly general requests.

Ask questions about specific studies or data through 2021

My knowledge ends in September 2021. Questions about more recent studies cannot be answered.

Avoid emotional or subjective assessments

As an AI model, I have no emotions. Focus on objective information.

Beware of medical advice

I can provide information but always consult a doctor or specialist before making any medical decisions.

If unsure, ask for sources

Ask for the sources or studies I am referring to to verify and better understand the answer.

Check result

Use my answers as a starting point and always consult trusted resources or experts for a second opinion.

give feedback

Feedback, whether positive or negative, helps to improve and adjust the service. Share yours Experiences!

Editor's noten

For topics where topicality plays a special role, please use the search in the Parkinson-Journal directly. This gives you a comprehensive overview for the period after 2021

From my point of view, the essential step that has been taken here is the use of human language, both in the question and in the answer. Not more but also not less. 

The next step will be that not only the language, but also the speaker gets a human face, or to put it more profanely, my avatar no longer looks like a cartoon character, but like me.

 For me, whose mobility will be increasingly limited in the coming years and who already frequently plays virtual table tennis, an avatar (representative) that looks like me and that I can send anywhere is an enticing prospect.

The following video makes it clear that this is only a small step by converting the text of the Parkinson's bot into human language and putting this language under an avatar almost lip-synchronously. The few "manual jobs" that are required show how quickly the development is progressing and that we, as Parkinson's patients in particular, should not close ourselves off to these things, but open them up and take advantage of their opportunities.

Jurgen Zender in August 2023

In a second chat, I asked him specifically about forms of assistance

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I can support people with Parkinson's in various ways. Here are some possibilities:

Provision of information: I can provide you with information about Parkinson's and its symptoms so that you have a better understanding of your condition. I can also provide information about treatment options, medications and therapies.

Assistance with treatment planning: Parkinson's often requires complex treatment plans that may include medication, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other therapies. I can help you organize and plan your treatments by sending appointment and medication reminders.

Speech control: Parkinson's disease can affect speech and lead to speech difficulties. I can act as a voice assistant, helping you perform tasks with voice commands, such as playing music, sending text messages, or setting reminders.

Movement support: People with Parkinson's often have difficulties with fine motor skills and movement coordination. I can help you implement specific exercises to improve motor skills or even offer virtual therapy sessions.

Sharing Information with Doctors: I can help you log and track important information that may be relevant to your doctors and therapists. For example, we may record symptoms, medication use, mood swings and other relevant data that can help with diagnosis and treatment planning.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I was trained with extensive information from a variety of sources, including books, scientific articles, medical guidelines, and the internet in general. I have access to a wide range of knowledge that lasts until September 2021. However, it is important to note that I do not have any knowledge or experience of my own, but am based on the information provided to me.

The accuracy of my answers therefore depends on the quality and timeliness of the underlying data. I strive to provide accurate and reliable information, but there is always a chance that some information is outdated or may not be up to date. Therefore, if you have any concerns or specific questions, it is important to consult a board-certified or specialist who has the most up-to-date information and recommendations.

If you want to be sure that the information I provide is accurate and up to date, I encourage you to consult other trusted sources, such as medical literature, official medical websites, or a Parkinson's specialist doctor, in addition to my assistance. This allows you to develop a fuller understanding of your condition and make informed decisions.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I was trained with extensive information from a variety of sources, including books, scientific articles, medical guidelines, and the internet in general. I have access to a wide range of knowledge that lasts until September 2021. However, it is important to note that I do not have any knowledge or experience of my own, but am based on the information provided to me.

The accuracy of my answers therefore depends on the quality and timeliness of the underlying data. I strive to provide accurate and reliable information, but there is always a chance that some information is outdated or may not be up to date. Therefore, if you have any concerns or specific questions, it is important to consult a board-certified or specialist who has the most up-to-date information and recommendations.

If you want to be sure that the information I provide is accurate and up to date, I encourage you to consult other trusted sources, such as medical literature, official medical websites, or a Parkinson's specialist doctor, in addition to my assistance. This allows you to develop a fuller understanding of your condition and make informed decisions.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

Various aspects can be taken into account when providing support for treatment planning. Here are some specific ways I can help you:


Appointment and Medication Reminders: I can send you regular reminders to make sure you don't forget your appointments for doctor visits, therapy sessions, or other important appointments. In addition, I can send you timely medication reminders to ensure you are taking your medication according to the prescribed schedule.


Organization of information: You can give me important information about your treatments and medications and I can organize and track them for you. For example, you can give me details about your prescribed medications, dosages, side effects, or other directions, and I can store that information in an easy-to-access place for you to refer to when you need it.


Treatment Monitoring: You can give me information about your symptoms and progress, and I can log that information for you. In this way, you can track changes in the course of the disease and treatment and, if necessary, discuss them with your doctors or therapists.

Information on Therapy Options: If you need information on different therapy options I can give you a summary of the available treatments. This can be drug therapies, physiotherapy, ergotherapy or other complementary forms of therapy. You can also ask me specific questions to learn more about specific treatment options.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I don't have direct access to specific applications or programs like Wotsäpp to send voice messages. My range of functions is limited to text communication.

However, when it comes to sending voice messages, you can use my text output result to get the content of the message in text form. You can then convert this text into a voice message and send it through a suitable application or platform, such as WhatsApp.

There are various applications and messaging platforms that support voice messaging and allow you to send voice messages to your contacts. Depending on the devices and applications you use, you may be able to find and use the appropriate voice messaging option within each application.

Please note that sending voice messages via third-party applications and platforms depends on the privacy policies and terms of service of those providers. Make sure you use the appropriate applications and platforms in accordance with applicable laws and policies.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I can provide you with text-based instructions and information on exercises to improve motor skills. These exercises can target specific areas relevant to people with Parkinson's, such as balance, coordination, or fine motor skills. I can explain to you how you should perform certain exercises, give you tips and point out possible difficulties.

It's important to note that as an artificial intelligence, I am not able to monitor actual movement execution or make physical corrections. It is recommended that these exercises be performed under the guidance of a physical therapist or occupational therapist who can provide you with personalized attention and guidance.

As for virtual therapy sessions, these can usually take place via video conferencing platforms or specialized teletherapy platforms. During a virtual therapy session, you can interact via video call with a therapist who will provide you with guidance and direction, monitor your progress, and provide you with feedback.

The therapist can show you exercises and movements that you can then carry out under supervision. You can also ask questions, discuss concerns, and let the therapist know about your progress or challenges. Virtual therapy sessions can offer an alternative, especially if personal contact is not possible or difficult.

It is important to note that virtual therapy sessions may not be appropriate for all therapeutic needs and that in-person therapy sessions may be preferable in some cases. The decision for a virtual one Therapy should be made in consultation with your therapist or healthcare professional to ensure your individual needs and requirements are taken into account.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

In a virtual therapy session, AI technology can play a supporting role, although not taking the lead. Here are some possible contributions an AI can make during a virtual therapy session:

information provision:
The artificial intelligence can provide the therapist and the patient with relevant information about Parkinson's and the corresponding therapy approaches. She can respond to questions and provide additional explanations about specific concepts or exercises.


logging and tracking:
The artificial intelligence can log relevant data during the session, such as the exercises performed, the patient's progress or changes in symptoms. This information can be used for later evaluations and adjustments to the therapy plan.

reminders and time management:
The artificial intelligence can send reminders of upcoming appointments or exercises if needed to ensure the patient is following the therapy plan. It can also help with time management during the session by reminding the therapist or patient of the progress of time.

Instructions for exercises:
The artificial intelligence can provide written instructions on specific exercises or movements to be performed during the session. It can also offer tips or corrections on how to perform the exercises correctly, based on previous data and information.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

As an artificial intelligence, I can help guide conversations and potentially support some aspects of mood and well-being. However, it is important to note that artificial intelligence is not a licensed therapist or psychiatrist and is not able to provide professional mental health care. While I can provide you with information and support, it cannot and should not replace the role of a trained medical professional.

For specific questions about managing mood swings or other mental health symptoms, you should consult a healthcare provider. If you need urgent help, please do not hesitate to contact an emergency hotline.

In addition to these concerns, it is important to note that artificial intelligence models like ChatGPT do not have or understand emotions, nor do they have the ability to form human relationships. While they can generate human-like responses based on the data they were trained on, they can't truly mimic or respond to human experiences.

That means if you need support right now or someone to talk to, I'm here to listen and support you as best I can.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

Although all types of physical activity can be beneficial for people with Parkinson's, there are some specific aspects of table tennis that make it particularly beneficial:

Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination:
Table tennis requires and promotes a high level of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Ongoing training in these skills can help reduce the motor symptoms of Parkinson's, such as: to reduce jitter and general motion blur.


Physical fitness:
Table tennis is a physically demanding activity that helps improve overall fitness and cardiovascular health. This can have a positive impact on the overall health and well-being of people with Parkinson's.

Fast decision making:
Table tennis requires quick decisions and quick reactions, which trains cognitive abilities. This can help reduce the cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's, such as B. to alleviate problems with thinking and concentration.

balance and flexibility:
Table tennis can also help improve balance and flexibility, which is often a problem in people with Parkinson's disease.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

artificial intelligence like ChatGPT could help in several ways in dealing with Parkinson's. Here are some examples:

Intelligent Data Analysis: artificial intelligence can analyze large amounts of patient data to identify patterns that are difficult for humans to detect. This could help identify specific factors that influence disease progression in different people and potentially create personalized treatment plans.

Predictive Analytics: With the right data, an artificial intelligence could potentially make predictions about the progression of the disease in a given patient. This could help physicians make early decisions and plan interventions.

symptom monitoring: Artificial intelligence can help monitor Parkinson's symptoms. For example, artificial intelligence-driven wearable devices could analyze and report motion data to determine if a patient's symptoms are improving or worsening.

medication management: artificial intelligence can help patients and doctors manage medication schedules. It could monitor changes in drug effectiveness over time and alert doctors when adjustments are needed.

Research: artificial intelligence could help sift through and analyze medical research to uncover new insights and inform physicians of the latest advances in Parkinson's research.

It is important to remember that artificial intelligence is a tool and is not intended to replace human doctors. The best benefit comes when artificial intelligence and doctors work together to ensure the best possible care for patients.

Self-Portrait created by Dall-E2

Sure, here are the main points of our conversation:

  • AI, like ChatGPT, can be used in Parkinson's treatment to recognize patterns in patient data, predict disease progression, monitor symptoms, manage medication schedules, and aid in medical research. 
  • As a Parkinson's patient, you can use artificial intelligence to get information about your disease, monitor symptoms, manage your lifestyle, receive emotional support and remind you. 
  • artificial intelligence is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should always be used as a complementary tool. Any health-related information or advice provided by an artificial intelligence should be discussed with your doctor. 
  • While artificial intelligence can help guide conversations and support some aspects of mood and well-being, it is not a substitute for professional mental health care. If you have specific questions about managing mood swings or other mental health symptoms, you should consult a healthcare provider. 
  • artificial intelligence models like ChatGPT have no emotions and cannot form human relationships, but they are here to listen to you and support you as best as possible.

Stay tuned.

1 Comment
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous sagte:

    I think it would be worth a try. Especially against the background of the expected illness-related restrictions.
    Make it easy…..
    Greetings Carsten


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