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More articles from the category “non-drug therapy”
"Have you walked backwards today?"
How non-drug tricks can help walk better Sometimes when I walk, one of my feet takes on a life of its own and starts to twist. Muscles get stiff...
"Keep Moving" - With Asian martial arts against Parkinson's
keep-moving-with-asian-martial-arts-against-parkinson Claudia: Of course, I like doing that. A physical therapist is a healthcare professional who helps patients improve mobility and function, reduce pain, and achieve better balance and coordination...
Active living with Parkinson's
At this time, everyone is talking about sport as an important resource for neurological diseases. Everywhere movement groups are formed and the information about this important pillar for the treatment of Parkinson's, ...
Movement training for Parkinson's patients
Private lecturer Doctor Heiko Gaßner from the University Hospital Erlangen, together with the Erlangen regional group of the German Parkinson's Association, has developed a movement training concept for Parkinson's patients. So that the patients after the rehabilitation ...
Bioelectronic filter is supposed to suppress the tremor
new minimally invasive procedure from the Netherlands A "bioelectronic neurodegenerative filter" is intended to suppress the tremor without major surgical intervention. Neurodegenerative filter technology (DNF) is a Dutch invention and aims to improve the quality of life...
Cannabis legalization and Parkinson's disease. Advantages and disadvantages
The discussion about the use of medical cannabis to treat various diseases has increased worldwide in recent years. Particularly in Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of people...