Online Academy of the Parkinson Foundation

It is important for patients to understand their illness because an informed and enlightened patient is better able to make informed decisions about their health. Here are some reasons why this is so important:

Fascia training as pain therapy

As someone who uses fascial training extensively for pain management, I was amazed at the results I was able to achieve through this training method. During my complex therapy in Bad Gögging, I received a detailed explanation of the importance of fascia and how it affects our physical performance and well-being. Since then, I have incorporated fascia training into my daily routine.

What are fascia

Fascia are connective tissue structures in the body that surround and connect our muscles, bones, organs and nerves. They are important for the stability, mobility and power transmission of the body. Fascia training is a training method that aims to strengthen and stretch these structures to improve physical performance and reduce pain.

More lightness and mobility with Parkinson's

We ask ourselves what possibilities there are for people with Parkinson's to make the path to an art of living instead of a burden of life and what role the inner attitude plays: with sport we have moving possibilities, these and thus motor and non-motor symptoms better to meet.

Multimodal complex therapy

Multimodal complex therapy for Parkinson's is a treatment method that combines different forms of therapy to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and improve the quality of life of patients.

Do dopamine agonists really rarely have side effects?

Do dopamine agonists really have such rare serious side effects as is often rumored? Is it "only" impulse control disorders such as strong addictions to sex, gambling and shopping?

Or do we ourselves and those close to us have to pay very close attention to what changes in our behavior in the months and years after taking it, because behavioral changes happen gradually, go unnoticed for a long time - and can still have a major impact on life?

Rasagiline - Why everyone should take it.

Rasagiline - Why everyone should take it.

There was a discussion here recently in a Facebook group. "Well I've been on rasagiline for 2 weeks
and it didn't help, so I left it out again." "It was the same for me."
"I had the following side effects on it:" etc.

All of this didn't convince me. Because I've been taking rasagiline since the beginning and I definitely will
Keep case to the very last. And I think everyone should have it at their

Mission Parkinson

Stacey Macaluso from the USA, for example, has launched a platform that offers new exercise offers weekly, either as webinars or videos, free of charge for people with Parkinson's.

But she does not leave it at that, but combines her offer with political demands. She explains the connection between the Parkinson's diagnosis and environmental toxins. Just recently it emerged that the US appears to be importing fertilizers that are already on the US red list from other countries and using them in agriculture. Stacey has made it his mission to draw attention to this scandal and collect signatures and change the law. She says: “My community is working on these laws and sharing resources. We're not just a gym. We want to help change the future of Parkinson's disease.

A very special advent calendar

We have an idea:

Did you know….
....that our body and its perception determines 80% of how we feel mentally;

….that a large nerve called the vagus nerve constantly reports whether the body is safe or in danger;

…. that when too much insecurity can make your body have trouble "shutting down," resulting in your immune system not working properly, your thinking chops, and you cruising through the world on autopilot?

Imagine if there were simple tools to give the body a feeling of security again. Together! Your child helps you, you help your child.

We invite you to join us on an inquisitive and playful journey that is funny for some, pushes the limits of others, but done seriously to glowing alertness and sparkling joy.

Here is the link to register* and please share it with all families and networks who work for families and/or chronic diseases and with dear friends and adults who are young at heart.

It starts on the 1st :-)

We are really looking forward to it - we were very creative and tested everything ourselves with our children.

Kind regards, the Longcovid-Holistic team,
Mareike Schwed - Tobias Gerost - Viola Tonn

Parkinson's- what role does diet play

A feature from RBB on the importance of the Mediterranean diet.

Team Dopamine - The Dopamine Book

Dopamine - a book written by people who live with the chronic disease Parkinson's disease, whether they are affected themselves, relatives or therapists. This collection of very personal stories gives readers different insights into dealing with Parkinson's. The authors are either at the beginning of their illness or they have been affected for years. They report on their experiences, feelings and experiences in dealing with the disease on a daily basis. Just immerse yourself in her sad, serious but also hopeful and happy world.