The most widely read articles on Parkinson's therapies

 Complex therapy
Explanation of the individual therapies and a detailed diary of a complex treatment by the author
An overview of the most common Parkinson's drugs and how they work. A post from the series “Heimann explains,”
What is neuropsychology in general and what does it mean for Parkinson's patients in particular.
The article includes definitions of terms, FAQs and training and test tools. 
Tai Chi and Parkinson's
According to a study by the German Society for Neurology, people with Parkinson's move more safely if they practice Tai Chi twice a week. More about this study and 4 detailed exercise videos in my post
Deep brain stimulation, part 1
Everything you need to know about the DBS: Background, preliminary discussion, operation procedure, FAQs, address directory of the DBS centers, videos about the operation and interviews with patients.
Deep brain stimulation, part 2 - a field report
Dr. Johannes Heimann reports on his intervention
Levo-Dopa, the gold standard among Parkinson's drugs. Dr. Johannes Heimann explains everything you need to know in his guest post
Neurocentric training
A new training approach promises innovation here. Neurocentric training is brain-based training that focuses on the body's neural processes. movement and Pain arise in the brain. This is where the training starts.
John Pepper's victory over his symptoms
John Pepper has his very own Therapy developed to defeat his Parkinson's disease. A moving report about the now 90-year-old John Pepper
What you need to know about LSVT BIG as the most efficient way to fight Parkinson's disease through exercise. From the training video to the medication prescription, everything is included.

The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment is a behavior therapy approach in which the shift in perception of a loud voice is overwritten. The aim is for those affected to recognize and accept how loud their own voice has to feel in order to actually sound healthy.

Stay tuned.


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